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Chief Administrative Officer

With over 20 years of Decentralization, the mandates, roles and responsibilities of Local Governments and Central Government Ministries Departments and Agencies are changing to a mode of operating in a business style. With such a mode, collaboration, partnerships and tapping from the outside world is inevitable. That’s why Government came up with the National Information Technology Authority (NITA) to champion the ICT Industry for all agencies of Government, Local Governments inclusive.
As a Chief Administrative Officer of Rakai District, I am delighted to open up to you and receive your views, innovations through the District Website. Rakai District is well endowed with Natural Resources which include fertile soils suitable for growing of various commercial crops namely bananas, coffee, Irish potatoes and dairy farming. The undulating hills, the fresh water lakes of Kijanebalola and Kacheera, various cultural sites form just a small portion of our tourism potential. Rakai District borders Tanzania in Kibanda Sub-county close to Mutukula which is an important entry point to the Indian Ocean port of Dare-Salaam.
Rakai District as a Local Government is mandated with provision of key services ranging from health, education, agricultural extension, among others. We are however challenged with inadequate financial, human and logistical resources to fulfill these mandates. Through our district website, I appeal to all of you out there to extend a hand in helping us with financial/ logistical resources to enable us provide the mandated services of accessible clean safe water, primary and secondary education, health services, among others.
On this website, we have posted the District profile, some of the service delivery achievements in the last two years, the beautiful sceneries and economic investment potentials/opportunities, among others.
We shall therefore wait for your feedback on the contents of the site.
Thank you.
For God and My Country.